
2020-07-07   阅读量: 1081




-- 查看系统中有哪些数据库

show databases;

-- 创建test数据库

create database test;

-- 选择进入数据库

use test;

-- 删除数据库(慎用)

-- drop database test;

-- 创建数据表

use test;

create table departmentd(deptid int ,

dname varchar(15),

num int


-- 查看当前数据库中有哪些表

show tables;

-- 查看表结构

desc department;

-- 删除数据表(慎用)

drop table departmentd;

-- 创建带有约束条件的表(因为两张表中有主外键约束,所以需要先创建主键所在的dept,再创建外键所在的emp)

create table dept(

deptno int primary key,

dname varchar(15),

loc varchar(10)


create table employee(

empid int primary key auto_increment,

ename varchar(10) unique,

job varchar(10) not null default '-',

mgr int,

hiredata date,

sal float default 0,

comm float,

deptid int,

foreign key(deptid) references dept(deptno)


show tables;

desc employee;

select * from emp;

-- 修改表名

alter table employee rename emp;

-- 修改字段名

desc emp;

alter table emp change empid empno int;

alter table emp change deptid deptno int;

desc emp;

-- 修改字段类型

alter table emp modify empno int auto_increment;

alter table emp modify sal decimal default 0;

desc emp;-- 查看表结构

-- 添加字段

alter table emp add city varchar(10) first;

alter table emp add address varchar(20) not null default '不详' first;

desc emp;

-- 修改字段的排列位置:

alter table emp modify city varchar(10) after ename;

desc emp;

-- 删除字段

alter table emp drop city;

alter table emp drop address;

desc emp;

-- 插入数据:字段名与字段值的数据类型、个数、顺序必须一一对应

insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc) values (10,'accounting','new york'),(20,'research','dallas');

insert into dept values (30,'sales','chicago'),(40,'operations','boston');

insert into dept values (50,'sales','chicago'),(60,'operations','boston');

select * from dept;-- 检查表中的数据内容

-- 批量导入数据(路径中不能有中文,‘\’在编程语言中是转义符,需要将‘\’改为‘\\’或‘/’)

-- 先有部门,才能存储每个部门的员工信息,所以先添加dept的部门信息,再导入emp的员工信息

show variables like '%secure%';-- 查看安全路径

load data infile "C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/employee.csv"

into table emp

fields terminated by ','

ignore 1 lines;

select * from emp; -- 检查导入数据内容

select count(*) from emp; -- 检查导入数据总行数

select * from emp where mgr is null;

-- 更新数据

-- set sql_safe_updates=0; -- 设置数据库安全权限

update emp set sal=sal+1000 where deptid=10;

update emp set sal=sal+1000;

update emp set sal=5000 where deptid=10;

select * from emp;

-- 删除数据

delete from emp where deptid=30;

delete from dept where deptno=60;

-- 清空数据

truncate emp;

-- 单表查询(虚拟结果集)

select * from emp;

-- 查询指定列:查询emp表中ename,job,sal

select ename,job,sal from emp;

-- 设置别名:查询每位员工调整后的薪资(基本工资+1000)

select ename,job,sal,sal+1000 as 薪资 from emp;

select ename,job,sal,sal+5000 as xinzi from emp;

select ename 姓名,job,sal,sal+1000 薪资 from emp;

-- 练习:查询每位员工的年薪(基本工资*12):empno,ename,年薪

select empno,ename,sal,sal*12 年薪 from emp;

select empno,ename,sal,sal*12 年薪 from emp;

-- 查询不重复的数据:查询emp表中有哪些部门

select distinct deptid from emp;

select distinct deptid,job from emp;

-- 条件查询

-- 查询10号部门和20号部门中sal低于2000的员工信息

select * from emp where (deptno=10 or deptno=20) and sal<2000;

select * from emp where deptno in(10,20) and sal<2000;-- in为取值范围;

-- 练习:查询基本工资大于等于2000小于等于3000的员工信息

select * from emp where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000;

select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;

-- 空值查询

-- 查询mgr为空的记录

select * from emp where mgr is null;

-- 练习:查询comm不为空的记录

select * from emp where comm is not null;

-- 模糊查询

-- 查询姓名以a开头的员工信息

select * from emp where ename like 'a%';

-- 查询姓名中包含a的员工信息(出现在开头、结尾都可以)

select * from emp where ename like '%a%';

-- 查询姓名中第二个字符为a的员工信息

select * from emp where ename like '_a%';

-- 练习:查询员工姓名中不包含s的员工信息

select * from emp where ename not like '%s%';

-- 查询结果排序

-- 单字段排序:查询所有员工信息按sal降序显示

select * from emp order by sal desc;

-- 多字段排序:查询所有员工信息按deptno升序、sal降序显示(先按照部门的升序排,然后再按照同一个部门的降序排)

select * from emp order by deptid,sal desc;

-- 限制查询结果数量

-- 查询基本工资最高的前5位员工

select * from emp order by sal desc limit 5;

select * from emp order by sal desc limit 0,5;

-- 查询基本工资第6到10名的员工

select *from emp order by sal desc limit 5,5;

-- 练习:查询最后入职的5位员工

desc emp;

alter table emp change deptid deptno int;

alter table emp change hiredata hiredate int;

select * from emp order by hiredate desc limit 5;

-- 聚合运算

-- 查询emp表中员工总数、最高工资、最低工资、平均工资及工资总和

select count(*),max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal),sum(sal) from emp;

-- 分组查询:分组查询之后,分组结果中,只能显示分组字段、聚合字段以及跟分组字段一一对应的字段

-- 查询各部门的平均工资

select * from emp group by deptno;-- 显示的分组字段

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;-- 分组后的各部门的平均工资

-- 查询各部门不同职位的平均工资

select deptno,job,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno,job;

-- 练习:查询各部门的员工数

select deptno,count(empno)

from emp

group by deptno;

-- 练习:查询各部门不同职位的人数

select deptno,job,count(empno)

from emp

group by deptno,job;

-- 分组后筛选

-- 查询各部门clerk的平均工资

select deptno,job,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno,job

having job='clerk';

select deptno,job,avg(sal)

from emp

where job='clerk'

group by deptno,job;

-- 查询平均工资大于2000的部门

select deptno,job,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno,job

where avg(sal)>2000;-- 报错原因:语法书写顺序错误

select deptno,job,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno,job

having avg(sal)>2000;

-- 多表连接查询

create table t1(key1 char,v1 int);

create table t2(key2 char,v2 int);

insert into t1 values('a',1),('a',2),('b',3),('c',4),('a',13);

insert into t2 values('b',10),('b',11),('a',12),('a',13),('e',14);

select * from t1;

select * from t2;

-- 内连接

select * from t1 inner join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2;-- .限定符

-- 左连接

select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2;-- left join左边为主biao

-- 右连接

select * from t1 right join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2;-- t2为主表,RIGHT JOIN 右边为主表

-- 合并查询

-- union去重

select * from t1


select * from t2;

-- union all 不去重

-- union all不去重

select * from t1

union all

select * from t2;

-- MYSQL实现全连接的方法

select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2


select * from t1 right join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2;

-- MYSQL实现左反连接的方法

select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.key1=t2.key2

where t2.key2 is null;

-- 多表查询练习

create table salgrade(grade int,losal int,hisal int);

insert into salgrade values(1,700,1200),





select * from salgrade;-- 5

select * from emp;-- 14

select * from dept;-- 4

-- 查询每位员工的ename,dname,sal

select *

from emp

left join dept

on emp.deptno=dept.deptno;

-- 查询各地区的员工数(统计每个城市,没有员工计为0)(1对多)

select loc,count(empno)

from dept

left join emp

on dept.deptno=emp.deptno

group by loc;

-- 查询manager的姓名、所属部门名称和入职日期:ename,dname,job,hiredate(内连接/笛卡尔积连接)

select ename,dname,job,hiredate

from emp

left join dept

on dept.deptno=emp.deptno

where job='manager';

select ename,dname,job,hiredate

from emp,dept

where dept.deptno=emp.deptno and job='manager';

-- 查询所有员工姓名及其直属领导姓名(自连接:通过别名,将同一张表视为多张表)

select 员工表.ename as 员工姓名,领导表.ename as领导姓名

from emp as 员工表

left join emp as 领导表

on 员工表.mgr=领导表.empno;

-- 查询入职日期早于其直属领导的员工姓名及其所属部门:empno,ename,dname (两张以上的多表连接)

-- 连接条件:

select 员工表.empno,员工表.ename,dname

from emp as 员工表

left join emp as 领导表 on 员工表.mgr=领导表.empno

left join dept on 员工表.deptno=dept.deptno

where 员工表.hiredate<领导表.hiredate;

-- 查询每位员工的工资等级;empno,ename,sal,grade(不等值连接)

select *

from emp

left join salgrade

on sal between losal and hisal;

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